In June of 2023, Calibre Workforce delivered the Hospitality, Opportunities, Placement, Education and Support (HOPES) program, in partnership with atWork Australia. This activity was delivered over 4 days and involved the provision of 3 days training and a day of facilitated work trial placement for entrance into the hospitality industry. 31 participants undertook training in customer service, body language, personal presentation and telephone etiquette as well as completing nationally recognised units of competency in Food Handling and a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate. Of the 31 participants, 29 completed the activity with a further 22 participating in a paid work trial. Since the completion of the program, 8 participants have received job offers within the hospitality industry and another 5 participants that are in the pipeline for employment. Employment Service Providers atWork, Gforce, WCIG and Sureway all referred participants into the activity. Calibre Workforce must be congratulated on delivering such a fantastic activity. We’ve heard nothing but positive feedback about the program.
Calibre Workforce’s HOPES Program success!